Standing Rules as of 12-25-21

Vea hasta abajo para las reglas en espanol

These rules are intended as reminders of policy and operating procedures voted by the Board of Directors of the Preisker Gardens Homeowners' Association. They are based on the bylaws and the CC&Rs of the Association, but they do not include all of the restrictions in our CC&Rs. Landlords are responsible for informing their tenants of these standing rules.

The Standing Rules can be changed by a vote of the Board of Directors at any of its monthly meetings. Your participation in these meetings is welcome. We want these rules to reflect the intent of the CC&Rs and the views of the residents.

·         PARKING: In consideration of current fire safety laws and our narrow streets, our CC&Rs do not allow parking on inner streets in front of houses except for brief loading and unloading of passengers or supplies or for clearly marked service vehicles to perform work at residences. All vehicles must be parked in garages, on driveways, or in the green curb zones on Meadowgate Drive and Channel Drive. Vehicles parked on green curb must be moved every 72 hours or homeowner may be fined and vehicle towed. If your vehicle is towed contact Central City Towing 805-925-6699.

·         TOW AWAY NO PARKING: All vehicles parked on the inner residential streets may be towed at any time without warning. This is a last resort for board. Board will issue warnings or citations depending on severity of parking rules being broken by homeowner or renter and or guests.                If you do not follow these rules, your lot could be fined.

·         MORE ON PARKING: You may not park your car in front of another resident's lot -- even if you have permission. Doing so could result in your lot being fined or your vehicle being towed by tow truck company. We have added this rule because some residents are parking multiple cars in front of other residents' properties. We get many complaints about those who park several cars on the street for long hours during the day. Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep our community looking neat. Parking is never allowed on lawns, even if you are washing your car.       If you do not follow these rules, your lot could be fined.

·         GREEN CURB ZONE: Parking is allowed on Meadowgate Drive and Channel Drive in the areas where the curbs are painted green. This parking area is not for abandoned vehicles or vehicles you don't use. All vehicles parked at the green curbs must be moved periodically -- at least once every 72 hours. If you do not follow these rules, your lot could be fined.

·         SPEED LIMIT: The 15 mph speed limit is imposed for the safety of all of us. Our streets are narrow; we have no sidewalks; and children are often playing.

·         DOGS AND CATS: Our CC&Rs allow two domestic pets per household. And they state that "no dogs whose consistent barking disturbs other owners shall be allowed to remain on the property." Dogs are not to be allowed to run free. Walk them on a leash, and be prepared to clean up after them. And please, if you have cats that you let outside, provide a litter box for them.

·         TRASH CANS: Trash cans may be put out no sooner than the evening before collection and must be taken in the day of collection. Trash cans must be stored out of public view -- behind a fence or in the garage.

·         FENCES AND WALLS: To prevent injuries, parents and other responsible parties should tell their children not to climb the fences around the clubhouse and pool and not to climb the perimeter walls.

·         NO NUISANCE: Our CC&Rs prohibit nuisances, which are defined as any activity which may become an annoyance to and interfere with the quiet enjoyment of any other resident.

·         TREES: Back yard trees that are so large that they cast shade or drop leaves in a neighbor's yard should be trimmed or removed.

·         LAWNS: You are expected to keep your lawns watered and green. Please keep weeds down and shrubs in trim so that your yard and our community look appealing. It is your responsibility to keep your fence line and property line free of weeds.

·         ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE: Any improvements that you plan to make to your house or yard, front or back, must be approved by our Architectural Committee or the Board of Directors before you begin your project. These changes include, but are not limited to, paint color, style and location of fences, additions of windows, patios and patio covers, additional rooms, tool sheds, and yard improvements.

You must submit the following:

    1. Plans drawn up to be approved by the Board of Directors.

    2. Any building permits required by the City of Santa Maria.

If you do not follow these rules, you might be required to tear down your improvements at your own expense.

·         PAINTING YOUR HOUSE: You are allowed to paint your house in earth tones only. We have samples of colors that you can pick from. The trim of your house and the fences must always be painted dark brown. You must get the approval of the Architectural Committee before you start painting. If you decide to by-pass the Architectural Committee, you are at risk of having to repaint your house to the standards of our CC&Rs. Repainting will be at your expense. Get approval first, and avoid a costly mistake.

·         POOL AND CLUBHOUSE: You must be current in your dues (or have made an arrangement with the Board to become current) to be eligible to use the pool and the clubhouse.

·         POOL: The pool is heated from Spring to about the end of October. Hours are from 9 AM to 10 PM. No one under 21 years of age may be in the pool unless accompanied by an adult. No more than 20 people are allowed in the pool. Each residence may bring no more than two visitors that are non-residents of Preisker Gardens while using the pool and spa. Pool parties are not allowed at any time. Check signs at the pool for other restrictions. Please wear swim attire. This means no T-shirts or shorts or pants in the pool or spa. Your lot could be fined for not following the pool rules and/or your pool key could be taken away.

·         SPA: The hours for the spa are the same as for the pool. No more than 5 people are allowed in the spa at one time. No children under 5 are allowed in the spa. Children from 5 to 12 years old must be supervised by someone at least 16 years old.

·         CLUBHOUSE: The clubhouse is available for use by all residents for social events only. A $150.00 deposit is required. $50.00 is a cleaning deposit, and $100.00 is for vandalism and destruction of property. Make deposit checks payable to Preisker Gardens HOA. Checks or ID showing address in our community is needed. If you leave the clubhouse in the condition in which you found it, your check will not be cashed. You must make a reservation by filling out a use agreement and submitting your check before the clubhouse is officially reserved for your use. If you leave the clubhouse in such a condition as to require us to hire a cleaning service, or if any of our property is destroyed, you will forfeit your deposit. You are responsible for the clubhouse once the doors are unlocked for you. Plan to have someone there at all times until you lock up.

·         HOLIDAY LIGHTING: Holiday lighting can go up on your house the week of Thanksgiving and must come down by January 31.

·         PORTABLE BASKETBALL HOOPS: These may be put out at the gutter while you play. They are not to block the right-of-way of vehicles. When you are through playing, you must bring the the portable basketball stand up to the side of your house, or put it in the back yard so that it is out of sight. If you do not follow these rules, your lot will be fined.

·         BUSINESSES: Preisker Gardens is zoned for single family residences and should be used as such. Residences are not to be used as places of business.

·         AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR: You are allowed to make repairs to your vehicles inside your garage with the garage door closed so that your activity cannot be seen from the street. Automotive fluids cannot be changed in this development. These are hazardous materials and cannot go down our streets and pollute our environment.   


·         PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS: The Board of Directors is empowered to impose a fine based on the adopted penalty schedule on owners who violate any of the Standing Rules or any of the restrictions in our CC&Rs. Owners will be notified of the violations and given the opportunity to correct them before any fine is imposed. Owners are responsible for violations by tenants. The fine will fall on the owner, not the tenant.

Preisker Gardens HOA Board has adopted the following


1st Violation...................Written Warning and Fine if not corrected
2nd Violation (same offense).........................................$50 to $200
3rd Violation (same offense)........................................$100 to $300
Additional Violations (same offense)...............................up to $400
Safety Violation.......................................warning or fine up to $500
Continuing Violation..........................Can be daily fines until cured
Suspension.........common area privileges may also be suspended
Assessment.................may be levied to reimburse HOA expenses

·         LATE PAYMENTS: The Board of Directors is empowered to impose a $10.00 fine for each month a payment of the monthly dues is made after the 15th of the month. If you fall seriously behind in your payments, the Association will file a lien against your house. This means that we will have to use the services of our attorney. You will also be responsible for the attorney's fees. If you do fall behind in your payments, please let the Board know your intentions. We want to make every effort to allow you to become current on your dues before we have to involve our attorney. Please be aware that if you contact our attorney, you are responsible for any consulting fees involved.

·         BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Any owner may run for a position on the Board of Directors. To vote in the annual election or to hold office, Association dues must be paid to date. A commitment to make the meetings is needed.

Estas reglas pretenden ser recordatorios de la política y los procedimientos operativos votados por la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Propietarios de Preisker Gardens. Se basan en los estatutos y los CC&R de la Asociación, pero no incluyen todas las restricciones de nuestros CC&R. Los propietarios son responsables de informar a sus inquilinos de estas reglas permanentes.

El Reglamento Permanente puede ser modificado por votación de la Junta Directiva en cualquiera de sus reuniones mensuales. Su participación en estas reuniones es bienvenida. Queremos que estas reglas reflejen la intención de los CC&R y las opiniones de los residentes.

·         ESTACIONAMIENTO: En consideración a las leyes actuales de seguridad contra incendios y nuestras calles estrechas, nuestros CC&R no permiten estacionarse en las calles interiores frente a las casas, excepto para una breve carga y descarga de pasajeros o suministros o para vehículos de servicio claramente marcados para realizar trabajos en las residencias. Todos los vehículos deben estar estacionados en garajes, en entradas o en las zonas verdes de las aceras en Meadowgate Drive y Channel Drive. Los vehículos estacionados en la acera verde deben moverse cada 72 horas o el propietario puede ser multado y el vehículo remolcado. Si su vehículo es remolcado, comuníquese con Central City Towing al 805-925-6699.

·         REMOLQUE SIN ESTACIONAMIENTO: Todos los vehículos estacionados en las calles residenciales internas pueden ser remolcados en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Este es el último recurso para el abordaje. La Junta emitirá advertencias o citaciones dependiendo de la gravedad de las reglas de estacionamiento que infrinja el propietario o inquilino y/o los invitados.                Si no sigue estas reglas, su lote podría ser multado.

·         MÁS SOBRE EL ESTACIONAMIENTO: No puede estacionar su automóvil frente al lote de otro residente, incluso si tiene permiso. Si lo hace, podría resultar en una multa en su lote o en que su vehículo sea remolcado por una compañía de grúas. Hemos agregado esta regla porque algunos residentes estacionan varios autos frente a las propiedades de otros residentes. Recibimos muchas quejas sobre aquellos que estacionan varios autos en la calle durante largas horas durante el día. Por favor, sea considerado con sus vecinos y mantenga nuestro complejo con un aspecto ordenado. Nunca se permite estacionar en el césped, incluso si está lavando su automóvil.       Si no sigue estas reglas, su lote podría ser multado.

·         ZONA VERDE EN LA ACERA: Se permite estacionar en Meadowgate Drive y Channel Drive en las áreas donde las aceras están pintadas de verde. Esta zona de aparcamiento no es para vehículos abandonados o vehículos que no utilizas. Todos los vehículos estacionados en los bordillos verdes deben moverse periódicamente, al menos una vez cada 72 horas. Si no sigue estas reglas, su lote podría ser multado.

·         LÍMITE DE VELOCIDAD: El límite de velocidad de 15 mph se impone por la seguridad de todos nosotros. Nuestras calles son estrechas; no tenemos aceras; Y los niños juegan a menudo.

·         PERROS Y GATOS: Nuestros CC&R permiten dos mascotas domésticas por hogar. Y afirman que "no se permitirá que los perros cuyos ladridos constantes molesten a otros dueños permanezcan en la propiedad". No se debe permitir que los perros corran libremente. Camine con una correa y esté preparado para limpiar después de ellos. Y por favor, si tienes gatos a los que dejas salir, dales una caja de arena.

·         BOTES DE BASURA: Los botes de basura se pueden sacar no antes de la noche anterior a la recolección y deben llevarse el día de la recolección. Los botes de basura deben almacenarse fuera de la vista del público, detrás de una cerca o en el garaje.

·         CERCAS Y PAREDES: Para prevenir lesiones, los padres y otras partes responsables deben decirles a sus hijos que no trepen por las cercas alrededor de la casa club y la piscina y que no trepen por las paredes perimetrales.

·         SIN MOLESTIAS: Nuestros CC&R prohíben las molestias, que se definen como cualquier actividad que pueda convertirse en una molestia e interferir con el disfrute tranquilo de cualquier otro residente.

·         ÁRBOLES: Los árboles del patio trasero que son tan grandes que dan sombra o dejan caer hojas en el patio de un vecino deben podarse o eliminarse.

·         CÉSPED: Se espera que mantenga su césped regado y verde. Mantenga las malezas bajas y los arbustos en forma de corte para que su jardín y nuestra comunidad se vean atractivos. Es su responsabilidad mantener la línea de la cerca y la línea de la propiedad libres de malezas.

·         COMITÉ ARQUITECTÓNICO: Cualquier mejora que planee hacer a su casa o patio, frontal o trasero, debe ser aprobada por nuestro Comité de Arquitectura o la Junta Directiva antes de comenzar su proyecto. Estos cambios incluyen, pero no se limitan a, el color de la pintura, el estilo y la ubicación de las cercas, adiciones de ventanas, patios y cubiertas de patios, habitaciones adicionales, cobertizos de herramientas y mejoras en el patio.

Debe presentar lo siguiente:

    1. Planos elaborados para su aprobación por el Consejo de Administración.

    2. Cualquier permiso de construcción requerido por la Ciudad de Santa María.

Si no sigues estas reglas, es posible que debas derribar tus mejoras a tu propio costo.

·         PINTAR SU CASA: Solo puede pintar su casa en tonos tierra. Tenemos muestras de colores entre los que puede elegir. Las molduras de su casa y las cercas siempre deben estar pintadas de marrón oscuro. Debes obtener la aprobación del Comité de Arquitectura antes de comenzar a pintar. Si decide pasar por alto el Comité de Arquitectura, corre el riesgo de tener que volver a pintar su casa según los estándares de nuestros CC&R. El repintado correrá a su cargo. Obtenga la aprobación primero y evite un error costoso.

·         PISCINA Y CASA CLUB: Debe estar al día en sus cuotas (o haber hecho un acuerdo con la Junta para estar al día) para ser elegible para usar la piscina y la casa club.

·         PISCINA: La piscina está climatizada desde primavera hasta finales de octubre. El horario es de 9 AM a 10 PM. Nadie menor de 21 años puede estar en la piscina a menos que esté acompañado por un adulto. No se permiten más de 20 personas en la piscina. Cada residencia no puede traer más de dos visitantes que no sean residentes de Preisker Gardens mientras usan la piscina y el spa. Las fiestas en la piscina no están permitidas en ningún momento. Consulte los letreros en la piscina para conocer otras restricciones. Por favor, use ropa de baño. Esto significa que no hay camisetas, pantalones cortos o pantalones en la piscina o el spa. Su lote podría ser multado por no seguir las reglas de la piscina y / o le podrían quitar la llave de la piscina.

·         SPA: El horario del spa es el mismo que el de la piscina. No se permiten más de 5 personas en el spa a la vez. No se permiten niños menores de 5 años en el spa. Los niños de 5 a 12 años deben estar supervisados por alguien de al menos 16 años.

·         CASA CLUB: La casa club está disponible para uso de todos los residentes solo para eventos sociales. Se requiere un depósito de $150.00. $50.00 es un depósito de limpieza, y $100.00 es por vandalismo y destrucción de propiedad. Haga cheques de depósito pagaderos a Preisker Gardens HOA. Se necesitan cheques o identificación que muestren la dirección en nuestra comunidad. Si deja la casa club en las condiciones en que la encontró, su cheque no será cobrado. Debe hacer una reserva completando un acuerdo de uso y enviando su cheque antes de que la casa club esté oficialmente reservada para su uso. Si deja la casa club en condiciones tales que nos obligue a contratar un servicio de limpieza, o si se destruye alguna de nuestras propiedades, perderá su depósito. Usted es responsable de la casa club una vez que las puertas se abren para usted. Planee tener a alguien allí en todo momento hasta que cierre la puerta.

·         ILUMINACIÓN NAVIDEÑA: La iluminación navideña puede encenderse en su casa la semana del Día de Acción de Gracias y debe apagarse antes del 31 de enero.

·         AROS DE BALONCESTO PORTÁTILES: Estos se pueden colocar en la cuneta mientras juega. No deben bloquear el derecho de paso de los vehículos. Cuando termine de jugar, debe llevar el soporte de baloncesto portátil a un lado de su casa, o ponerlo en el patio trasero para que esté fuera de la vista. Si no sigue estas reglas, su lote será multado.

·         NEGOCIOS: Preisker Gardens está zonificado para residencias unifamiliares y debe usarse como tal. Las residencias no deben ser utilizadas como lugares de negocios.

·         REPARACIÓN DE AUTOMÓVILES: Está permitido realizar reparaciones en sus vehículos dentro de su garaje con la puerta del garaje cerrada para que su actividad no pueda ser vista desde la calle. Los fluidos automotrices no se pueden cambiar en este desarrollo. Estos son materiales peligrosos y no pueden circular por nuestras calles y contaminar nuestro medio ambiente.                                                                                                            

·         SANCIONES POR INFRACCIONES: La Junta Directiva está facultada para imponer una multa basada en el calendario de sanciones adoptado a los propietarios que violen cualquiera de las Reglas Permanentes o cualquiera de las restricciones en nuestros CC&R. Los propietarios serán notificados de las violaciones y se les dará la oportunidad de corregirlas antes de que se imponga cualquier multa. Los propietarios son responsables de las violaciones por parte de los inquilinos. La multa recaerá sobre el propietario, no sobre el inquilino.

La Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Propietarios de Preisker Gardens ha adoptado lo siguiente


1ª Infracción................... Advertencia por escrito y multa si no se corrige2ª Infracción (misma ofensa).........................................$50 a $2003ª Violación (misma ofensa)........................................$100 a $300Violaciones adicionales (misma ofensa)............................... hasta $400Violación de seguridad....................................... advertencia o multa de hasta $500Violación continua.......................... Pueden ser multas diarias hasta que se curenSuspensión.........Los privilegios de las áreas comunes también pueden suspenderseEvaluación................. puede imponerse para reembolsar los gastos de la HOA

·         PAGOS ATRASADOS: La Junta Directiva está facultada para imponer una multa de $10.00 por cada mes que se realice el pago de las cuotas mensuales después del día 15 del mes. Si se atrasa seriamente en sus pagos, la Asociación presentará un gravamen contra su casa. Esto significa que tendremos que utilizar los servicios de nuestro abogado. También será responsable de los honorarios del abogado. Si se atrasa en sus pagos, informe a la Junta sus intenciones. Queremos hacer todo lo posible para permitirle ponerse al día con sus cuotas antes de tener que involucrar a nuestro abogado. Tenga en cuenta que si se comunica con nuestro abogado, usted es responsable de los honorarios de consultoría involucrados.

·         JUNTA DIRECTIVA: CUALQUIER PROPIETARIO PUEDE POSTULARSE PARA UN PUESTO EN LA JUNTA DIRECTIVA. Para votar en las elecciones anuales o para ocupar un cargo, las cuotas de la Asociación deben pagarse hasta la fecha. Es necesario un compromiso para realizar las reuniones.


Hours & Location



230 Cedar Dr. Santa Maria CA 93458

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday
4pm – 6pm


Preisker Garden dues payments:

How much are the dues?

Monthly dues are currently$120.00 per month (as of Jan 1,2025). ALWAYS MAKE YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO:


When are they due?

They are due by the 1st of the month.

What if my payment is late?

If your payment has not been received by the 16th of the month, a service charge/late fee of $10.00 will be added to your account.

Where do I mail it?

Mail monthly payments to:

Lapp, Fatch, Myers & Gallagher
2401 Professional Parkway
Santa Maria, CA 93455-1684

Be sure to include your name and address and your lot number on your check.

Can I get payment coupons?

You may request a payment coupon booklet at our bookkeepers.

Clubhouse Reservations

& Rules


Make your reservations early if you can. Be sure to write a check for $150.00 payable to Preisker HOA when making the reservation. You do not have a reservation until the check is delivered. The check will not be cashed UNLESS you fail to observe the following rules listed below. You as reserving member or renter are responsible for the clubhouse once it is opened for you. A board member will open the clubhouse for you, but you will not have a key - so be sure that someone stays there while you prepare for your event.

  1. We need the start and finish time for your social event (to lock and unlock the clubhouse doors). We'll also need a contact number (in case something changes) and the address of the house the clubhouse is being registered under. The Homeowner must be present at the event.

  2. There is NO PARKING on the street. Use the parking area by the clubhouse and pool - and the green-curbed areas by the peripheral walls. If your guests are parked on the street, you will forfeit your deposit. The Homeowner is responsible to inform their guests that any overflow from the clubhouse parking lot, must be along the green curbs at the north and south walls of the Preisker Gardens boundaries. Blocking the fire lanes is not acceptable.

  3. Use the main room only. Our insurance does not allow the use of the pool at the same time you are using the clubhouse.

  4. Limit the number of people in the clubhouse to 30 if possible, but definitely to NO MORE THAN 35.

  5. Please keep children from climbing on the tables and chairs.

  6. No nails or permanent holes in walls for your decorations.

  7. No live bands allowed, only a DJ or music played at volume level that will not be a nuisance to neighbors/members that live close by.

  8. If alcohol is being served, security must be provided.

  9. If the police are called to your event, the deposit will be forfeited.

  10. Any damage in excess of the $150 deposit, will be charged to the Homeowner registered to the event.

  11. Email confirmation of reservation is your contract for following all rules and acceptance of Preisker Gardens HOA enforcing them.

When you leave:

  1. Return all tables and chairs to their cabinets. Leave the clubhouse as you found it. If you have moved any items of furniture, put them back where they were when the clubhouse was opened for you.

  2. Leave the room in a clean condition. Your $150.00 check will be returned to you when it is determined that the clubhouse was left in a clean and undamaged condition. You will be notified if you need to come back for further cleaning or if we determine that we need to hire a cleaning service to clean the room.

  3. CLOSE THE DOORS AND WINDOWS! The front door will lock behind you. Don't forget the door that leads to the restrooms. Please do not leave the clubhouse open when you leave.

  4. Check the restrooms to insure they are left in a clean condition.

Pool Rules and Hours


Pool use is by first come first serve. Do not exceed maximum capacity posted. Do not stay more than 2 hours at a time. Be considerate to others who want to use the pool.

Absolutely NO alcohol, food, glass, or soap in the pool area.

  1. No street clothes are allowed in the pool or spa.

  2. Pool hours are 9:00 am to 10:00 pm.

  3. There are currently no current “adults only hours”.

  4. No more than 20 people in the pool at one time.

  5. No more than 5 people in the spa at one time.

  6. No children under 4 are allowed in the spa at any time.

  7. No one under 18 is allowed in the pool area without an adult.

  8. No guests may use the pool without the presence of the resident.

  9. No diving, horseplay, running, pets, or bathing allowed at any time.

  10. No pool parties. No more than 4 guests are allowed for each residence.

  11. You are considered to be trespassing if you are in the pool area when it is closed.

  12. The pool will be closed for one week per violation by ANY homeowner or guest.

  13. WARNING: The pool will be monitored at various times. The security camera at the pool is always in operation.

  14. You are considered to be tresspassing if you are in the pool area when it is closed or not during your reservation. Police can be called.

  15. The pool can and will be closed for one week per violation by ANY homeowner or guest.

Please observe all rules posted for YOUR SAFETY and enjoyment of the area.

Anyone found abusing the pool rules will be held responsible and liable for damages. After 3 violations, we have the right to request the return of your pool key, and we have the right to impose a fine.

RV Lot Space Agreement Rules

The RV/Trailer must have current registration and insurance at your address within the Preisker Gardens complex.

In order to be stored in the RV lot, proof must be shown at the time of placement. If at any time you change/sell your RV/Trailer the assigned RV and or space is empty for 30 days, you forfeit that space and must wait until another space becomes available and show Proof of registration and insurance again. There is a $40.00 dollar key deposit that will be refunded should you sell your RV and return your key to HOA Board. Your must have your own insurance as lot it unmanned and not insured for damage or theft of property stored there within. It is at your own risk. HOA Board may audit RV/Trailers at any time for current registration and insurance. Failure to be current in registration or insurance will result in RV/Trailer being out of compliance with RV/Trailer rules and will need to be relocated by owner of RV/Trailer or subject to being towed/removed. Parking it in community on green curb zones is not an option as it can be towed for not being current on registration. RV/Trailer must also be kept in good repair and not be an eyesore to any homes in community. This will also be cause to have it removed from RV/Trailer lot.

The following is needed when applying with board for a space in RV lot:

License/Vin Number__________________________________________________

Name of Insurance provider w/ Ph #___________________________________

Contact Member Name_______________________________________________

Contact Member Address_____________________________________________

Contact Member Number_____________________________________________

Key#_________________ Signature_______________________________________